Getting your products into Costco, Walmart or another major retailer can be an enormous amount of work. By the time you’re sitting across from a buyer talking through your order details, you can find yourself agreeing to changes that bring unnecessary costs and delays.

Agreeing to every buyer request, however, is not a profitable strategy. Not only do some requests add costs and delays, they can often be avoided with a few simple counter requests.

Here are three strategies for making your case when faced with problematic buyer requests.


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If your buyer suggests a display configuration that is more expensive or contains less product than is optimal, be prepared to push back with data and visuals. If you show the financial impact or demonstrate how the request makes it more difficult to shop on the floor, the buyer will be more receptive to your suggested alternatives.

Use Consensus Language

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There are many points of mutual interest between brands and buyers in a retail display program. Make sure the buyer knows that you understand what they’re looking for and try to create favorable conditions for sharing ideas instead of debating. Say, “I think I understand you, but here is the impact we’d like to avoid…”

Suggest a Compromise

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If, after making your best case, the buyer is still unable or unwilling to accommodate your preferences, ask for a non-monetary compromise that compels the buyer to assess the true impact of their request. For example, you can ask for a concession on the next order, or a more favorable location in the store to drive sell-through and improve the metrics used to evaluate brand success.

Ask For Strategic Help with Your Next Retail Display Program

At TPH Global Solutions®, we’ve been helping brand managers navigate big box and club store retail campaigns for decades, including retailer pitch and sales support.

Our clients rely on us to help them make the most of their retail opportunities, with supply chain optimization, logistical and transportation support and high-quality retail POP displays and custom packaging.

To learn more about strategies for negotiating with retail buyers, download our free webinar.

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