Author Archives for David Schmidt

Repackaging Dead Inventory: How to Turn a Supply Chain Hardship into an Opportunity

February 8, 2022 10:59 pm Published by Comments Off on Repackaging Dead Inventory: How to Turn a Supply Chain Hardship into an Opportunity

With ships lined up along the California coast, truck drivers and warehouses in short supply, and containers stacking up along the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles, a lot of retailer deadlines are, you might say, dead in the water. And as brand...

pallet display

Navigating the Path to Costco Success: A Guide for Your Next Campaign

November 23, 2021 11:12 pm Published by Comments Off on Navigating the Path to Costco Success: A Guide for Your Next Campaign

Many product and brand managers aspire to get their products into Costco and it’s little wonder. Succeeding here is more than a leg up for your product; with monthly sales reaching over $1 billion and an army of loyal customers, Costco represents a retail...

Pitch Your Products to Walmart, Sam’s Club Costco and More – with a 95% Success Rate

Pitch Your Products to Walmart, Sam’s Club, Costco and More – with a 95% Success Rate

September 17, 2021 3:46 pm Published by Comments Off on Pitch Your Products to Walmart, Sam’s Club, Costco and More – with a 95% Success Rate

Pitching your product to warehouse clubs and other large retailers is a daunting exercise. There are literally pages of ways to fail. The retailer-specific guidelines standing between you and a successful campaign give new meaning to the phrase “in the weeds.” The difference between...

West Coast Port Congestion Impacting Your Ability to Get Products to Market? Consider These Alternatives

April 27, 2021 11:39 pm Published by Comments Off on West Coast Port Congestion Impacting Your Ability to Get Products to Market? Consider These Alternatives

West Coast port delays and crippling material shortages are wreaking havoc on retail order lead times and budgets. Among the challenges: West Coast port delays are adding up to 4 weeks to distribution timelines West Coast packaging and corrugated suppliers are seeing raw material...

Beldoce Penne & Fusillia Pasta Packaging & Pallet Display

Repackaging Case Study: A Pandemic, A Pasta Shortage & A Partnership that Put the Penne on the Club Store Shelf

April 19, 2021 3:37 am Published by Comments Off on Repackaging Case Study: A Pandemic, A Pasta Shortage & A Partnership that Put the Penne on the Club Store Shelf

In the middle of a deal that put its single-pack, organic, gluten-free pasta into BJ’s early last year, the New York-based maker of specialty Italian foods Beldoce found itself facing an opportunity wrapped in an unprecedented challenge. The pandemic had struck. Suddenly, pasta was...

The Do’s & Don’ts of E-Commerce Packaging

March 15, 2021 6:08 pm Published by Comments Off on The Do’s & Don’ts of E-Commerce Packaging

The right packaging can set your product apart, get the attention of prospects, increase brand recognition, and more.  Packaging can make or break a product – sometimes literally – and particularly when in-store shopping is limited and e-commerce platforms are booming due to the...

Stay Ahead of 2021 Disruptions with the Right Retail Campaign Partner

February 22, 2021 7:32 pm Published by Comments Off on Stay Ahead of 2021 Disruptions with the Right Retail Campaign Partner

While a retail campaign is never an easy undertaking, it is hard to remember a time as spiked with drama and uncertainty as the mess that is Q1 2021. The bad news? Or should we say, worse news? – is that the conditions that...