Author Archives for David Schmidt

The Benefits of Face Shields for COVID-19 Prevention Efforts

August 21, 2020 4:48 pm Published by Comments Off on The Benefits of Face Shields for COVID-19 Prevention Efforts

For many of us, face masks are now a daily part of our lives. Donning our face coverings, we venture back into our offices, visit stores to replenish our pandemic supplies, or head out to restaurants or gyms to try to regain something of...

Proven Strategies for Big Box Campaign Success: A Whitepaper

August 5, 2020 2:39 pm Published by Comments Off on Proven Strategies for Big Box Campaign Success: A Whitepaper

The continuing growth of mass-market retailers has created powerful opportunities for brand managers, but also powerful competition for space on their shelves and floors. Big Box retailers and specialty retailers like Costco, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Lowe’s, Petco and Home Depot, don’t take their position...

Taking the Stress Out of Specialty Retail Campaigns

July 8, 2020 2:27 pm Published by Comments Off on Taking the Stress Out of Specialty Retail Campaigns

When a leading pet products brand found itself with a multi-year, high-visibility opportunity to get its aquarium supply products into one of the country’s biggest pet retailers, the complications grew like algae in a poorly maintained fish tank. There were competing expectations between the...

COVID-19 Upstream Supply Chain Update

COVID-19 Upstream Supply Chain Update

March 20, 2020 8:23 pm Published by Comments Off on COVID-19 Upstream Supply Chain Update

The most recent China and shipping update from our friends at American Shipping Company (an excerpt): Cargo Is Streamlining Much Better from China Cargo has returned to levels before the COVID-19 outbreak, as production returns back to near normal, workers have returned from quarantines,...

The Right Partnership is More than an Accessory for this Brand’s Director of Product Development

January 31, 2020 6:32 pm Published by Comments Off on The Right Partnership is More than an Accessory for this Brand’s Director of Product Development

A TPH Global® client with global operations and retail channel demands describes the value of working with a partner with the expertise, resources and supply chain wide perspective to support and lift sales across their club store, big box and mass market channels. When...

Sam’s Club Packaging: A Recipe for the Perfect Partnership

December 17, 2019 7:07 pm Published by Comments Off on Sam’s Club Packaging: A Recipe for the Perfect Partnership

You only need a few simple ingredients to make a loaf of bread. But there’s nothing simple about making a great loaf of bread, as anyone who has ever tried to do it knows. Jim Challenger, founder and president of Challenger Breadware, spent years working...

Big Box Retail Campaign Success Comes Down to the Details

October 25, 2019 2:12 pm Published by Comments Off on Big Box Retail Campaign Success Comes Down to the Details

For many apparel makers, getting into the big club stores like Costco is an elusive goal, even with a great product. Club store requirements are very specific and if you’ve never dealt with their buyers before, the process can seem like a hurdle the...