Categories for Uncategorized

Corrugated Pallet Displays

October 10, 2011

TPH makes the execution of pallet displays easy and painless. Whether you are making your product in Asia or the United States, TPH Global Solutions can design and supply a pallet display that will conform with WalMart, Costco, BJs, big box stores and grocery chains requirements. TPH will design and ship test your pallet display…


Feeling Green with Envy?

September 20, 2011

Seventy years ago going green might have meant how much fertilizer to use and when to water your victory garden to our great grandparents. Now it has morphed into a way of life that has very little to do with tomatoes and zucchini. As Kermit mentioned time and time again…”it’s not easy being green”. While…


Where were you when it happened?

September 11, 2011

I remember where I was on 9/11 when I first heard about the attack on the Twin Towers. It was a beautiful Midwest morning in Chicagoland, and I was just pulling into the parking lot of my office building in one of the near west suburbs. I remember listening to the radio in disbelief that…